CBSE Board Result 2023: CBSE बोर्ड द्वारा कक्षा X (High School) और कक्षा XII (Intermediate) के परिणाम मई महीने में घोषित किए जाते हैं। उन सभी छात्रों के परिणाम जिन्होंने सीबीएसई बोर्ड की परीक्षा दी है, बहुत जल्द ही आने वाले हैं, जैसा कि आपको पता है कि अब सीबीएसई बोर्ड के परिणाम DG लॉकर के माध्यम से दिखाए जाते हैं, जिनका DigiLocker खाता सक्रिय नहीं है। लिंक सक्रियण शुरू हो गया है, सभी अपने DigiLocker खाता यहां से सक्रिय करें, जैसे ही परिणाम आता है, आपको इस पृष्ठ पर परिणाम का लिंक मिलेगा, जैसे ही आप अपने परिणाम को देख सकते हैं, बहुत जल्द आपको परिणाम के बारे में अपडेट मिलेगा।
CBSE Board Result 2023: CBSE Class 12th Compartment Result
Board Name :
CBSE Board
Result :
Class 10th and 12th
Result Fee :
No any Fee
Result :
Digi Locker
Official Website:
Important Dates of CBSE Board Result 2023
Class 10th High School Exam Between :
15 February 2023 to 21 March 2023
Class 12th Intermediate Exam Between :
15 February 2023 to 05 April 2023
Digilocker Account Activate Through Security Pin :
10 May 2023
Class 10th Result Declared :
May 2023
Class 12th Result Declared :
May 2023
Class 12th Supplementary Result Declared :
How to Check CBSE Board Result 2023
The CBSE Board Exam 2023 results are poised for potential release at any point during the month of July.
Following the unveiling of the CBSE board exam results, examinees have the opportunity to access their outcomes through two distinct channels.
Upon the publicizing of the CBSE results, students can conveniently verify their performance in both the 10th and 12th grades. This can be achieved through CBSEResult and Digilocker, with the direct link thoughtfully provided within the Sarkari Result’s compilation of valuable links on this page.
To access the CBSE Result 2022, students must ensure they have their unique roll numbers at the ready.
All enrolled candidates for the CBSE Exam 2023 are required to duly activate their respective Digilocker accounts.
How to Active DIGILOCKER Account Through School Security Pin
In a significant development, CBSE released a notification on the 10th of May, 2023. According to this announcement, the results, certificates, and migration records for the annual board examinations of class 10 and 12 for the year 2023 will be accessible exclusively through Digilocker.
It is mandatory for all students who have participated in the CBSE Board Class 10 and 12 exams to establish their own account on the Digilocker platform.
CBSE has thoughtfully provided a comprehensive set of straightforward instructions for students to seamlessly set up their Digilocker accounts, a process outlined within their official notification.
Once the Digilocker account is successfully established, candidates gain the ability to conveniently procure various essential documents online, including their CBSE Board 2023 results, mark sheets, certificates, and migration records. This marks a notable shift towards a more streamlined and digital approach to result dissemination.
How to Activate CBSE Student to Activate Digilocker Account.
Step 1: Locate the link for DigiLocker Account Confirmation in the “Some Useful Important Links” section, conveniently situated at the bottom of this page.
Step 2: Initiate the DigiLocker Account Confirmation process by selecting your corresponding class—be it X or XII.
Step 3: Proceed by inputting your school’s unique code. Should you find yourself unfamiliar with this code, fret not; it’s accessible within your admit card.
Step 4: Carefully furnish your board exam roll number, ensuring accuracy and precision.
Step 5: Enhance your account security by supplying the 6-digit PIN thoughtfully provided by your school.
Step 6: Share your mobile number for seamless communication and verification purposes.
Step 7: Swiftly respond to the OTP (One-Time Password) dispatched to the mobile number you provided.
Step 8: Witness the culmination of the DigiLocker Account Confirmation journey, as your process concludes successfully.